DIFFUN, QUIRINO – In preparation for the school year 2020-2021 Scholarship Program, DOST 02 thru Provincial Science and Technology Center (PSTC) Quirino distributed application forms for Philippine Science High School – National Competitive Exam (PSHS-NCE) to Elementary Schools and DOST-SEI Undergraduate Scholarship for Grade-12 Students in all schools in Diffun District II, on July 9, 2019.
DOST PSTC Quirino staff, PA I Lhea V. Seculles, Jonathan De Jesus and PA II Rizaldy C. Tenoso distributed the forms through the guidance counsellors and School Principals in the different schools.
Ms. Seculles mentioned how the forms are to be filled-up and the requirements needed to be submitted. Meanwhile, Mr. De Jesus also mentioned some benefits and opportunities that the passers can enjoy and experience.
The team distributed 100 PSHS-NCE Application forms to 18 elementary schools and 35 DOST-SEI Undergraduate Scholarship Forms are distributed to 5 High Schools in the District II of the Municipality of Diffun.
On the other hand, guidance councillors and school principals committed to encourage their outstanding students to apply in the scholarship offered by the agency.
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